Dancing Dog - Dynavyte New Zealand

Eat well, do well, stress less ... Holistic healthcare for all animals ...

Dancing Dog ®

An essential part of a dog's wellbeing is the healthy maintenance of its cartilage and joints.

Available in 125mL bottle with a serum pump dispensing 0.4mL per pump.

Approx. 7-10 months supply for a small dog.

Approx. 4-5 months supply for a mid dog.

Approx. 2-3 months supply for a large dog.

An oral supplement which may assist in maintaining normal healthy cartilage and with joint lubrication.

The key ingredient in Dancing Dog is Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is a component of a joint's synovial fluid, giving the fluid its desired "slipperiness" for cushioning of movement.

The HA in Dancing Dog is produced by a natural bio-fermentation process.

Active Ingredient: Sodium Hyaluronate 15mg/mL (HA)

Add to a dog's food according to its weight.

Dose rate:

I pump for each 5kg dog weight.

I pump delivers approximately 0.4mL

SMALL DOG: 5 kilos (1 pump), 10 kilos (2 pumps) Daily

MID DOG: 15 kilos (3 pumps), 20 kilos (4 pumps), 25 kilos (5 pumps) Daily

LARGE DOG: 30 kilos (6 pumps), 40 kilos (8 pumps) Daily

Manufactured in Australia under GMP conditions in an APVMA accredited facility. Dancing Dog is veterinarian recommended.

Regulatory Status: New Zealand: ACVM Exempt


An oral supplement which may assist in maintaining normal healthy cartilage and with joint lubrication.

The key ingredient in Dancing Dog is Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is a component of a joint's synovial fluid, giving the fluid its desired "slipperiness" for cushioning of movement.

The HA in Dancing Dog is produced by a natural bio-fermentation process.


Active Ingredient: Sodium Hyaluronate 15mg/mL (HA)


Add to a dog's food according to its weight.

Dose rate:

I pump for each 5kg dog weight.

I pump delivers approximately 0.4mL

SMALL DOG: 5 kilos (1 pump), 10 kilos (2 pumps) Daily

MID DOG: 15 kilos (3 pumps), 20 kilos (4 pumps), 25 kilos (5 pumps) Daily

LARGE DOG: 30 kilos (6 pumps), 40 kilos (8 pumps) Daily


Manufactured in Australia under GMP conditions in an APVMA accredited facility. Dancing Dog is veterinarian recommended.

Regulatory Status: New Zealand: ACVM Exempt